New Delhi (09.05.2024): Union Public Service Commission has announced results of successful candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the posts in Indian Forest Service. A total of 147 candidates have been recommended for appointment under different categories but 03 vacancies of PwBD (02 PwBD-1 and 01 PwBD-3) have been carried forward to the next recruitment year due to non availability of candidates. UPSC recommended 43 candidates in General Category, 20 EWS, 51 OBC, 22 SC and 11 ST.
Appointments will be made by the Government according to the number of vacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibility conditions/provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination and verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. The number of vacancies reported by the Government are UPSC recommended 62 candidates in General Category, 15 EWS, 40 OBC, 22 SC and 11 ST including 08 PwBD vacancies (03 PwBD-1, 02 PwBD-2 & 03 PwBD-3). The candidature of 51 recommended candidates is provisional.