New Delhi (26.03.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Tuesday are as follows:
P V Ramasashtry (IPS: 1989: UP) was prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre.
Tenure of Supriya Patil Yadav (IPS: 2004: MH), Joint Director, CBI, was extended for a period of one year i.e. up to 17.04.2025.
Tenure of Sagar Mehra, CSS, Joint Secretary, Department of Fisheries was extended for a period of two years beyond 10.03.2024.
Shahnawaz Alam (IP&TA&FS: 1994), Joint Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs, was prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre.
S Suresh (IPS: 1995: KL) was appointed as ADG in SPG by temporarily upgrading one post of IG to ADG level.
Unmesh Sharad Wagh (IRS C&CE: 2000), Deputy Chairperson, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority, was entrusted with additional charge of the post of Chairperson (JS level), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority for a period of six months w.e.f. 03.01.2024.
Asangba Chuba Ao (IAS: 2003: BH), Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, was entrusted with additional charge of the post of Chairman and Managing Director, AI Assets Holding Ltd (AIAHL) for a period of six months w.e.f. 01.01.2024.
Tenure of Pankaj Naresh Agrawal (IOFS: 2007), Director in the National Medical Commission, was curtailed under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
Maneesh Kumar (IFoS: 2011: MH) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Mines for a tenure up to 13.01.2027.
Tenure of Rakesh Kumar, Bihar Administrative Service, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Giriraj Singh was curtailed.
Pradeep Singh Kharola (Retd IAS: 1985: KN), Chairman & Managing Director, India Trade Promotion Organization, was entrusted with additional charge Chairman, Staff Selection Commission with effect from 01.05.2024 till the appointment of regular incumbent.
Rachna Tanwar (IRS C&CE: 2009) was appointed as Director in the DMEO, NITI Aayog, Delhi for a period of five years.
Rajeev Ranjan Kumar (IDAS: 2009) was appointed as Director in the Ministry of Textiles, Delhi for a period of five years.
Jitender Singh (IES: 2008) was appointed as Director in the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Delhi for a period of five years.
Sameer Pandey (IRS C&CE:2010) was redesignated as Joint Commissioner (Director level), NVS in the Department of School Education & Literacy for a period up to 05.11.2025 i.e total tenure of five years. He counts his central deputation tenure w.e.f. 06.11.2020.
Sadanand Vasant Date (IPS: 1990: MH) was appointed as Director General, National Investigation Agency for a tenure up to his superannuation on 31.12.2026.
Rajeev Kumar Sharma (IPS: 1990: RJ) was appointed as Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development for a tenure up to his superannuation on 30.06.2026.
Piyush Anand (IPS: 1991: UP), Special DG, CISF, was appointed as Director General, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) by temporarily upgrading the post of DG, NDRF to the level of DG on personal basis for a period of two years.