The IAS officers in Chandigarh have been given new responsibilities following relieving of Dr Namdeorao Zade, IAS from Chandigarh Administration. Rajeev Verma will look after the charges of Home & Police/Prisons, while Ms Anindita Mitra will hold charges of Secretary Water Resources, Secretary Estate/Housing, Secretary Urban Planning and Chief Administrator.
Similarly, Ajay Chagti will hold charge of Secretary Local Government & Urban Development and Chairman, Chandigarh Industry & Tourism Development Corporation; Vinay Pratap Singh of Secretary Transport, Secretary, Labour & Employment and Secretary, Revenue; Abhijit Vijay Chaudhari of Secretary Law & Justice, Secretary Environment & Forest and Special Secretary Home/Police, Prisons; Ms Hargunjit Kaur of Secretary Finance and Hari Kallikkat will look after the charges of Secretary IT and Secretary Protocol.