RINL, the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, observed Steel Safety Day at ED (W) Main Conference, RINL on Thursday. The Guest of Honour J Siva Sankar Reddy, Jt Chief Inspector of Factories, Government of AP along with the head of works A K Sobti, Chief General Manager (Works) I/C Inaugurated the Steel Safety Day celebrations.
Reddy and Sobti administered safety pledge to all that “they renew their Pledge to dedicate themselves for the cause of safety and health of all employees and to adhere to all safety rules so as not to endanger human life and to protect the plant, equipment and machinery from all damages.” D Rama Prasad, GM (Safety)I/C & head of Safety Engg Dept RINL in his welcome address highlighted the importance of Steel Safety Day and sensitized the house on improving safety culture through a nice power point presentation.
Addressing the gathering, Siva Sankar Reddy said that safety is everyone’s responsibility. He urged everyone to focus on safety every minute appreciating the efforts of RINL management towards implementing utmost safety measures at RINL. The body and mind of every worker, officer should be alert at all times.
As part of the Steel safety celebrations 2024, safety engineering department of RINL conducted various programs like:
Safety Awareness programmes like Competitions on Safety Quiz, Safety Slogans and Safety Suggestion Mela were organized in the departments to contract workers towards Safety & Swachhata.
Safety Flag was unfurled and the Safety Pledge was administered during March,2024. Many employees and contract workers in large numbers have participated.
To bring awareness on safety, Swachhata Hygiene etc among the general public, “Nukkad Natak”- A Street Play was organized in Desipatrunipalem Village and Ukkunagaram Town ship.
Safety Exhibitions were conducted at ED (Works ) Building, RINL.
A special awareness program on “Legal aspects of Safety” by Shri V Suresh, Dy Chief Inspector of Factories and Shri P Chinna Rao- Inspector of Factories to all the Head of the departments, Departmental Safety Committee members, Central Safety Committee Members, Safety Coordinators.