New Delhi : The public-sector head-hunter (PESB) couldn’t find a suitable candidate out of eight people interviewed for the post of CMD in Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL). PESB thus announced the need for a Search-cum-Selection-Committee route or another appropriate means. But the way things unfolded endorsed the apprehensions that the selection-board was constrained to move forward.
It is interesting though surprising that there were people who anticipated the outcome. A section of insiders presumed that in all likelihood the selection-board would adopt the SCSC route.
What exactly led to this outcome is a puzzle at the initial stage but reportedly, a set of complaints against some of the candidates were sent via email to key officials in the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoP&G), HPCL, PESB Chairperson and other key offices.
A section of insiders says that such complaints are often aimed at sabotaging the selection.
Contrary to the sabotage theory, a section of experts says that such complaints do/should not come in the way of the selection-board that selects and recommends names to the government for appointment that too follows a wide spectrum of requisite clearances.